
GFWC/CT Memorial Scholarships are available to Connecticut women pursuing advanced courses of study at institutions of higher learning.

The Memorial Scholarships include the Dorothy E. Schoelzel Scholarship and the Phipps Scholarships. All awards are granted on the basis of future promise, scholastic ability and financial need. 

All applicants must be sponsored by a GFWC/CT Club and each club may sponsor only one applicant per year. Scholarships are not granted for current or past year’s expenses. At this time, the maximum award is $2,000 for the Schoelzel Scholarship and up to $4000 per Phipps’ Scholarship. 

At the time of filling this application, candidates to be considered for the Schoelzel Scholarship must have completed THREE or more years of undergraduate work in accredited institutions of higher learning with a 3.0 average or better. They must be matriculating for a Bachelor’s or post graduate degree, OR at the time of filing this application, candidates to be considered for the Phipps Scholarships must have completed TWO or more years of undergraduate work in an accredited institution of higher learning with a 3.0 average or better, and be matriculating for a Bachelor’s or post graduate degree. 

Answer questions fully using additional paper if necessary. You may include a photograph or any further information you wish. Enclose a stamped, self-address envelope if you wish the items returned. 

Completed applications, including general and personal information, financial statement, instructor/employer references, official transcript of at least the most recent two years of undergraduate or graduate work must be received by the GFWC/CT sponsoring club’s Scholarship Chair by March 10.

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