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Ways and Means

Plans affairs for the purpose of raising money for the club's treasury.


Consists of a chairperson and working committee whose purpose is to raise funds for the Club Treasury in the following categories: Permits: Responsible for obtaining necessary permits for fundraisers Fundraising/Special Interest: Consists of a chairperson who shall arrange and distribute holiday food baskets to families in need


Responsible for location for monthly meetings, arranging for a monthly hostess, and all supplies required for the social hour.


Arranges membership functions to acquaint prospective members with the club and its objectives, installs new members, and keeps membership attendance.

Home Life

Presents a craft project to the general assembly on a monthly basis, and arranges for supplies and a meeting time and place.


Provides monthly program for the meetings of the coming year and acts as a hostess to the guest speaker.


Responsible for the compiling and printing of the handbook, members folders, club's monthly newsletter, and any special interests.


Responsible for editing and submitting articles on the activities of the club and keeps the club scrapbook up to date.


Responsible for matters relating to children's education, including scholarships, publications, and publicity within the school system for Women's Club events related to children.


Audits and signs the club's financial records before June 30.

Charity Allocations

Reviews all non-committee requests for charitable donations.


Proposes a budget to be voted on by the General Assembly.


Prepares a slate of candidates for each office.


Acts as a reference for all matters relating to procedure and law, and records all by-law changes.